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Gift Pack: Croghan Bologna / Cheese Curd / Adams Reserve (NNY Favorites Pack)

$55.99 Prices in-store may be different from those on our website.

Three Northern New York favorites: a ring of Croghan Bologna, a 1 lb. bag of locally-made cheese curd, and a 1 lb. block of Adams Reserve Extra Sharp NY Cheddar Cheese!


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SKU: G0565 Category: Country of Origin: Domestic (Northern New York)

Three Northern New York favorites: a ring of Croghan Bologna, a 1 lb. bag of locally-made cheese curd, and a 1 lb. block of Adams Reserve Extra Sharp NY Cheddar Cheese!

Indulge in the mouthwatering flavors of the NNY Favorites Pack, featuring the delicious Croghan Bologna, fresh Cheese Curd, and premium Adams Reserve cheddar cheese.

Savor the perfect combination of savory meats and cheeses. Order your gift package today and treat yourself or a loved one to these delectable delights!

If you have a question or want more cheese, contact us today!
Adams Cheese Shop, 19 Main St., Adams, NY 13605
© 2025 Di Silvestro & Sons LLC, all rights reserved.