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Our statement on health, safety, and COVID-19

Washing hands.

Update: March 21, 2020:

For the safety of our customers and our family, we’ve decided to temporarily close the store to regular day-to-day business until we know it is safe to open up again.

But there is good news: we are still accepting orders through our website and over the telephone! When ordering online, select the free “In-Store Pickup” option and we will schedule a time you can pick up whatever you need. We are also STILL SHIPPING, so all online orders can be placed as usual!

And stay tuned, as we will be announcing details of a local delivery option soon!

Please read the rest of our original statement below for more details on health and safety.

Dear Valued Customers,

We are a proud member of our community and like you, we’re monitoring the latest news about the coronavirus.

We also wanted to let you know that we are still shipping out orders! Because of poor survivability of the virus on surfaces, there is likely very low risk of spread from products or packaging that are shipped over a period of days or weeks at ambient temperatures. Additionally, there is no current evidence to support transmission of COVID-19 associated with imported goods, and there have not been any cases of COVID-19 in the United States associated with imported goods. As long as the post office is open, you can continue to shop online with Di Silvestro & Sons Cheese Shop.

For our local customers, we want you to rest assured that the safety and well-being of our guests and team is our main concern. We want to provide you with the steps that we are taking at Di Silvestro & Sons in order to provide you with a safe shopping experience.

  • We are frequently wiping down and sanitizing surfaces, especially in high contact areas such as the entrance, checkout counter, refrigerator doors, restrooms, etc.
  • We are sanitizing surfaces with more frequency
  • Our staff is trained on food hygiene best practices
  • We follow strict local public health guidelines for the retail service industry

For your safety we offer curb-side delivery. Please place an order online and select “In-Store Pickup” as the shipping option, or call the store at (315) 216-7853 to place your order.

We will continue to monitor this situation very closely and, again, rest assured that we are taking this very seriously. We do hope that these precautionary steps address any concerns, as your patronage is important to us. Thank you.

Andrew Sylvester
Andrew Sylvester, Owner & Big Cheese

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Adams Cheese Shop, 19 Main St., Adams, NY 13605
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