We’re keeping busy this week restocking, rearranging, and reorganizing to get ready for our big RE-OPENING next week! Come back……

- January 23, 2020
Anyone who grew up in dairy-producing areas knows about cheese curd. But if you hadn’t… would you? FOX6 News Milwaukee went to San Francisco to ask some locals just this question.

- September 18, 2019
September 18th is National Cheeseburger Day! Not sure which cheese is the best for your kind of burger? We’ve got just the video to help you out!

- September 11, 2019
It’s almost fall, and you know what that means… Burrville Apple Cider is here!

- September 7, 2019
We have to admit though, impressive as it may be, we’re no so sure eating a slab of melted cheeses the size of a toaster would be much of a “challenge”!
- July 23, 2019
Ever wonder how people made cheese before the days of refrigeration and other modern conveniences? Check out this fascinating video……